Monday 29 October 2012

Yep! That went well.....

 Went to the North East Guitar show yesterday where Kasha and I watched my friend Anth Purdey playing his unique style of Swing Jazz to an audience of people who thought they knew how to play the guitar.
I have known Anth for a few years now and it is great to see his rise in popularity and to have been one of the people who 'heard it first'
Being unique in music is such a rare thing, there is just so much of the same these days and it is so good to listen to something different, to hear it live and to know that there are no effects, no dubs, nothing but a man and a guitar.

There are often music nights at the George and Dragon in Garrigill, and there is some real talent in the village, Patrick in particular is someone that I would make a special trip to listen to if I heard he was playing. 

Ok....when I say a special trip...I have to walk about 30 meters, but you know what I mean, I would go even if it were raining :-)

Many years ago I used to sing in a band, we did ok and I have been practicing lately to get the voice back. I recently started to learn to play guitar as it was on my list of 'things I really want to do' and I am at the stage now where after my plinking on the cheap acoustic it is time to move onto a better guitar and so as we were at the show and as my 50th birthday is coming up my lovely girlfriend splashed out on a Telecaster for me. 
This means that there may be duet sounds coming from the cottage as we both practice together and you never know, if we get good enough we may appear at the George one evening ready to play.
I like the George and Dragon, it has a proper country pub feeling, two crackling fires blasting out heat, a stone floor that has been there since the 16th century, friendly people who know each other through no more than 2 degrees of seperation and Dixies dog Deisel who is just about the friendliest most playful fella you ever met. Yes, he is allowed on the seats and if you don't like that idea you can go to another pub in the village.
Good luck finding one!

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