Saturday 13 October 2012


Sissy is the sixth member of our family, a black Land Rover Defender that Kasha has had since 2004.
When you live out here a Land Rover or something similar is very much a requirement because eventually there will be snow or water or mud and at those times my Ford Focus just won't get up the hill.

We are all very attached to Sissy, she is uncomfortable, has no heating to speak of, she rattles and bounces on every bump, she is loud and clunky and full of character and she uses lots of diesel.
 But the thing is, she is great fun to be in, she scoots around the country roads she always starts, she goes anywhere in any weather and she does it pretty fast.
Kasha loves her car and unlike the string of company cars that I have we all get attached to Sissy, she is the car that we pat as we get in or get out just to let her know that she is appreciated, valued, loved.

The thing that I like best is that when we are in Sissy we can see over the  walls and admire the view.
In the Ford we miss most of the views, but in Sissy you get to see everything, and everything here is so worth seeing.
My favorites are the drive out of Garrigill and the drive back in.

It's getting frosty here in the mornings already, there will come a point soon where the snow starts to fall and when that happens we will find that as well as having no mobile signal (not on any network) we will probably also have no electricity. When that happens we will have Sissy who will get us out and back in so that we can keep ourselves in fuel for the generator, coal for the fire and whatever tins of food there are left at the shop (actually, we stockpile fuel and tins before winter just in case) but we will have Sissy, and she won't ever let us down. That's why she gets a pat and a rub every time we use her, or a smile every time we see her. She's our girl :-)

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