Sunday 11 November 2012

Keeping tabs on

I spent most of yesterday making arrows because I had been talking to Dougal in the George & Dragon earlier this week and mentioned my archery interest and somewhere along the line I offered to loan him my bows so that he could have a go.
Problems....always problems.....
The last time my bows were out the bag it was for my son and his friend and between them they destroyed most of the arrows, so a promise to Dougal meant producing some more of the damn things.
I have everything that is needed to churn arrows out by the dozen and so I knocked some out in a few hours and got everything down to Dougals house by early afternoon. He seemed quite pleased and we will see how he gets on. I would imagine the arrows I left wont last long, it's a thing with new archers that they go through a few arrows :-)

It's been a good week, started well with a catch up with some friends from Canada and then a few days holiday which gave me a very short working week.
I get Kieran back for my week soon and I always enjoy my time with him. I'm looking forward to next weekend which is the late Garrigill fireworks display, a damn fine display for such a small village and so the three of us will be at that next weekend.

I have also been wondering about getting involved in some of the craft fairs that are always on in these rural areas. I know that there probably isn't much of a market for longbows and arrows, but people are always interested in how they are made and perhaps if Kasha and I shared a stall she could do some of her stuff and I could do some of mine. It might be fun.

Meanwhile we can still see the grass as we walk the hounds so I guess the hardest part of winter isn't here yet. I am wondering if Northgate will put snow tyres on my company car....maybe I should ask them?

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