Monday 26 November 2012


It's been a very strange day. The events explained in the blog below seem to be ringing a little bell in our lives and the two of us feel all warm and fuzzy and happy and lots of other nice things. 
It's weird, I am by nature a grumpy owld bugger with no sense of humour. 
Yes for my new American readers, humour has a 'u' in it.... and don't get me onto the correct pronunciation of alluminium.
I try to hide this deeply morose personality with a facade of mirth and smiles
and jolly stories but I am in reality just a crotchety git who has been forced for many years to work with computers. For those of you that don't know about working with computers, imagine 12 hormonal teenage girls stuffed in a box, each with their own agenda and you have to make them work. 1 computer = 12 hormonal teenage girls. This may be why computers are the most vandalised (with an s) household item.
See, my natural argumentative state just started to come through for a moment, but now I am all over warm and fuzzy again. It's a family thing. I'm feeling it with Kasha.

Somebody shoot me!

1 comment:

  1. Mmm . . . and what about the correct SPELLING of 'aluminium', Sweetie? LMAO
