Sunday 25 November 2012

It's a small world......

I have seen wonderful things transpire this weekend, I have seen a woman with no family gain a huge family, I have seen tears and smiles and fear and joy in the woman that I love and it has been a wonderful thing to have been a part of that. Her life has gained significant people and when you have never had significant people before that is such a life changing thing.

Kasha's dad left when she was eight years old. He didn't leave well and he left a legacy behind him. Sadly, she wasn't the first to have experienced his self centered, care nothing for nobody but himself attitude.
All he left her with was a name, it was a small thing as in reality we actually don't know for sure if the name he used in the eight years that he was around her was his birth name or real name. But she had his name, and it turns out that so did someone else.

The someone else was Karl, he is Kasha's paternal half brother, back in the years between 2001 and 2004 he placed requests for information about his missing father on the internet. He had given up finding anything in 2004. He stopped looking because sometimes life takes you different places and then 8 years later I found his messages linked to their fathers name in the Google cache logs.
Those of you who know me know that I have certain talents that have served me well on the information highways, so after a bit of looking we found an email address, which led to a contact, which led to a Skype call this afternoon.

It turns out that distance isn't much of a thing these days. Kasha's brother lives in Pennsylvania. He has a wife and daughters, she has a brother, not just that, she has a  sister in law and nieces. She also has another sister in law and nieces in Canada.

I am sort of wondering what is going on in her head at the moment. She has never had significant people, never had anyone to share anything with, never had the touch of family or the joy of siblings that so many of us take for granted. I love my sister, I love her in a way that is without words or meaning, and over the last few hours I have have seen a change in my girlfriend as she realises that there are people in the world who won't go away if she offends them, there is a tie of blood. She has the joy of family, and she is trying to learn everyones names. Studying, learning, looking at facebook with a different kind of wonder.

I like it.
It's a small world.

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