Thursday 30 May 2013

I can't believe I'm doing this!

Way back when and in yonder olden days I wrote this:

I admit that there was some mocking in it, and that perhaps I associated leek people with the elderly of the working mens club and memories of grandad.

Two weeks ago I was put on my guard when I met Mark in the George and he was speaking of how while being slightly open minded with the effects of Black Sheep Ale on the brain he had somehow joined the leek club.

Dougal, (on a hunt for members) had sneaked in and got him to commit to a membership while Mark himself wasn't quite aware of what he was joining.
After hearing this and having some fun mocking Mark I decided that I had to be very careful when I was around Dougal for the next few weeks.

This was all going very well until a few days ago when I saw Dougal in the George and he was telling of how he had bought the show leeks but many people had dropped out of the club leaving him out of pocket. 
Now, you have to understand, this is a small community, and Dougal is a nice guy. He tries to get involved in things in the village and he is never offensive , opinionated or rude.....and there he was.....with his sad face.....I wasn't going to...........Nope...not the leek club........BUGGER......IT.....!!!!!!!

I did it....I said I would join, and as Mark knows once the words are out you cant take them back. 
I do wonder if Mark sobered up as quickly as I did after uttering the words "I'm in"? 
I must ask him because if he did and a leek club membership really does get you suddenly sober then I should start selling them in packets, in pubs. "Before you drive home buy your leek club membership" Instant sobriety!

I now have 6 leeks that I have to grow. I know nothing about leeks but I have a problem. I have a competitive nature and both Kasha and Kieran have been mocking me for many hours. I think I may have lost some kudos with my girlfriend and all of what little street cred I have with my son. But I'm competitive.....I know that there will be information about leek growing on Google.....but I don't want them to find me looking.....

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