Saturday 23 March 2013

It's only the depth that varies!

Our friend John has a saying that he is "always in the shit, it's only the depth that varies".
As this is my first winter here I have now applied that saying to the status of the snow in Garrigill, it just doesn't seem to stop and even when there is not a speck of it on the ground you still see tiny flakes of it drifting through the air.

This morning was an amazing crisp white, it was the crispy snow. Now people who read this outside of the UK may not understand this, but we British know that there are many different types of rain ( I will link this back to snow in a minute).

It's true, in this country we have seen so much rain that we can identify it by different types. Because we can identify each rain drop by type, we also know what kind of snow these drops make and so this morning I can safely say that we have crispy snow.
Crispy snow is made from raindrops just a bit smaller than normal, it would be the type of rain that the British would describe as a wisp of rain. But when it freezes and falls it becomes crispy snow. A type of snow which sits nice and deep and goes 'crunch' when you stand on it. However, it doesn't stick together, so it blows about in the wind moving from place to place like white sand in a freezing desert.

In the last week we have had thick snow, light snow, none snow (that's the stuff that doesn't settle anywhere and just flies around) lump snow, xmas snow, sticky snow, pretty floaty snow, wispy snow, invisible snow (you turn around and there it suddenly is) and the most important of snows which is snowman snow. Now if you count up and there are more different types of snow fell than the number of days that I mention you should probably also know that all of these fell in just three days.
The rest of the time we had the none snow only it was floating around the air in a depth that varied.

One of those mornings as I let the dogs out (you can see it was a wispy snow day) I practically had a conversation with a robin that was sat on the wall opposite me. His red almost shone as he sat under the sun and I said to him, "you sit there while I get me phone for a pic" and he said "mrreeeptet" which I took to be a yes. I came back with the phone and he had his back to me so I said "Oi....I'm back" so he spun round hopped about a bit and said "weeep" all of the time looking straight at me without thinking I was any kind of threat at all.
I was quite touched by this little conversation with nature, it sort of made my day just a bit.

I'm looking out the window, I have sticky snow stuck to the windy and a covering of crispy. The falling snow seems to be thick, that's three at once. I wonder what the rest of the day will bring?


  1. hi,
    you forgot side ways snow and stingy in the face snow but that might vary not just regarding depth but altitude and what the wind is doing.i believe because its often differant up the hill x

  2. I hear that when people on the hill see sideways snow they cuddle their snowshoes and check the 'supplies'
